Schedule an appointment online for steering and suspension repair. Or, stop by at your convenience. We’re open evenings, weekends and most holidays.
Unsure about your vehicle’s front end alignment? Put it to the test! It takes just a minute to find out if you need to consult with your neighborhood Ken Towery front-end specialist.
Does your car steer to the side when the steering wheel is released?
Have you replaced tires more than every 2-3 years?
Does your car bounce or sway, or lean excessively when cornering?
Does your steering wheel appear crooked?
Have you replaced springs, shocks or ball joints without realigning your car?
Have you hit a pothole or curb and it seems to have affected your car’s handling?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it’s time to schedule an appointment with the front-end pros at Ken Towery and receive a free alignment estimate or inspection.